A consultation at Clínica Pêro is more than just going to the doctor

A face-to-face conversation is still our preferred way to see patients!

Each appointment lasts 45 minutes and we talk about everything that's important for your health. We'll go into depth about each pillar of health and anything else you'd like to share with us.

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Initial medical consultation

The initial medical consultation lasts 45 minutes and gives you time to talk about any problems, goals or questions. We’re not just interested in your medical and family history, we also want to learn about your diet, sleep and exercise habits, as they also play a massive role in your health.

Follow-up medical consultation

During your follow-up appointment, the doctor will evaluate the results of the analyses and/or complementary tests carried out.
He will present a diagnosis and personalized medical recommendations based on our 6 pillars of health.
Together, you will choose the best plan of action to treat the cause of your problems.

Medical monitoring consultation

The monitoring consultation takes place after a few months, according to each patient's case. This is when the doctor will monitor the progress of the proposed treatment and recommend any necessary adjustments, and may prescribe new tests and/or complementary examinations.

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